The Hockey News
Year 616 9.1K 14.7 Avg
Carter Brooks 278, Julian Gaudio 120, Jake Tye 106, Jacob Stoller 76, Jim Parsons 56More, THN Winnipeg Staff 56, Adam Proteau 23, Lyle Richardson 13, THN Winnipeg 7, Ken Campbell 6, Jonathan Tovell 6, John McClain 5, Jason Chen 5, Carol Schram 4, Eric Duhatschek 4, Reyn Davis 3, Michael Augello 3, Tony Ferrari 2, Al Morganti 2, Michael Traikos 2, Katie Gaus 2, Ryan Kennedy 2, Emma Lingan 2, George Nassios 2, Jay Greenberg 1, Patrick Cwiklinski 1, Jon Waldman 1, Dave Eminian 1, Harvey Rosen 1, Janson Duench 1, Bob Verdi 1, Grant McGinnis 1, Jim Kelley 1, The Big Show 1, Tim Campbell 1, Ismail Fasih 1, Ed Willes 1, The Cheat Sheet 1, Wraparound 1 Fewer
Winnipeg Jets content from The Hockey News, the online edition of the long-standing magazine